This project marked my first paid assignment. It involved two acquaintances who contacted me after opening a dental practice specializing in a type of orthodontic aligners that straighten teeth. They required 3D models of nine different dental misalignments and wanted me to visualize the teeth transitioning from crooked to straight. The original model was purchased from Sketchfab, and though little of it remains in the final product, it was invaluable as a starting point. Once I had perfected the texture and shape entirely in Blender, I utilized shape keys and armatures within Blender to animate the transformations. It was undoubtedly a time-consuming process, but the outcome was successful.

I learned a tremendous amount from my first freelance job, which involved considerable discussions about budget and time commitments. I had to experiment extensively to achieve the results my clients desired. While challenging, the experience was incredibly educational and rewarding.